A Level Results

At St Catherine’s, academic standards are high. Our value added figures are also exceedingly strong, demonstrating that our dedicated staff really do get the best out of every girl.

With our small classes and outstanding teaching staff, excellent preparation for A Level is a given. We offer individual attention and know the needs and abilities of each pupil in our care, providing support or extension as appropriate. Teachers frequently offer revision sessions outside the timetabled school day, and have an open-door policy.

Our Sixth Form curriculum includes a full range of A Level courses, encompassing the traditional subjects such as English, History, Geography, Languages, Maths and Science, as well as Economics, Politics and Psychology. We also have a wide range of creative subjects and vibrant Drama, Music and Art departments who support these interests. We endeavour to accommodate the girls’ subject choices within our timetable, ensuring that every pupil can study the subjects which suit her own strengths and aspirations.

Each girl studies four A Level subjects during Year 12, and continues with three of these subjects in Year 13. Following this model ensures the girls to receive a broad education, and that they make informed choices when selecting their final three subjects.

In addition to A Levels, we also offer all girls the chance to study for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Much valued by universities, the EPQ is worth 50% of an A level, and universities often make lower offers to applicants with an EPQ. The qualification provides an excellent opportunity for the girls to demonstrate their independent research skills, and to delve deeply into a subject of their choice.

Whilst we do not look for a specific GCSE profile in girls applying for a Sixth Form place, we do expect them to gain a grade 7 in the subjects they wish to study at A Level. However, if a student is close to this level and shows aptitude and willingness in other ways, entry can be discussed with the Headmistress.


The Headmistress, staff and pupils at St Catherine’s School are delighted with the 2024 A Level results:

A Level results:

A* 18% 

A* – A 43%

A* – B 70%

The School is especially proud of its Year 13 pupils who have shown maturity, resilience and strength of character over the past few years. 

We say a particular thank you to our A Level teachers for their commitment and support of each individual pupil and their passion for their subjects. Many congratulations go to our A Level cohort whose hard work and ambition have led to such reward. These pupils now look forward to the next steps in their educational journeys and to careers of their choice. There is no one mould for what a St Catherine’s girl must be and we are delighted to see girls accepting places on a wide variety of competitive courses including Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Law, 3D animation, Engineering, Computer Science, Fashion Design and Innovation and we wish them all the best for their bright futures.

Recent University Destinations
English and Classics The University of Edinburgh
Medicine University of Bristol
Earth Sciences UCL
Medicine and Surgery  Newcastle University
Veterinary Medicine University of Nottingham
Engineering Imperial College London
Computer Science University of Exeter
Marine Biology University of Portsmouth
Psychology Durham University
Music Royal Academy of Music 


We warmly invite you to attend our Open Events:

International Women’s Day Event with Deana Puccio
Monday 10 March, 5.30pm

Prep Welcome Morning
Friday 14 March, 11.00am

Year 3 Discovery Afternoon
Friday 14 March, 1.30pm

For more options see ‘Open Events’ or to arrange a private tour,
please email admissions@stcatherineschool.co.uk