TFL – Stars

At St Catherine’s we are working towards a Gold award for TFL stars.

STARS means

Sustainable Travel




STARS is TfL’s accreditation scheme for London schools and nurseries. STARS inspires young Londoners to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing walking, scooting and cycling and using public transport.

STARS supports pupils’ well-being, helps to reduce congestion at the school gates and improves road safety and air quality. The average journey to school is less than one mile, that’s around a 10-minute walk. However, many of these journeys are made by car, leading to congestion and an unsafe and polluted environment for us all. By swapping car journeys for active travel, STARS schools can make a real difference to our city and support the Mayor’s vision for Healthy Streets

We would therefore like to encourage all St Catherine’s pupils to walk, cycle, scoot or come to School by bus. By doing this, pupils will also notice a difference in their emotional health and well-being, as well as their physical fitness.