Year 10 Sixth Form Experience

On Monday through till Wednesday this week Year 10 took part in a sixth form experience week. On Monday the visited St Mary’s University were they learnt about the benefits…

Year 9 RE Drop Down Day

This week Year 9 took part in  an RE drop down day with the theme of Judaism.  The girls had the pleasure of being joined via Zoom by the Jewish…

Year 11 Leavers Day

The Year 11 Leavers Celebration Day took place last Friday. The day was filled with fun activities and was also a time for reflection. Despite the rain, we have had…

Year 8 Pastoral Day

Year 8 enjoyed a morning focused on developing positive friendship skills this week. They began with a fascinating online talk from Emma Gleadhill, which had pupils thinking about what it…

Year 8 & 9 Retreats

With restrictions on school day trips easing, we were delighted to be able to take Years 8 and 9 out on two separate retreat days. It was good to be…

Prep – Online Safety Activity

‘Strong or Wrong?! In their online safety session last week, year 5 learned about the importance of and how to create strong passwords online. Excellent ‘password tumblers’ were made by…

We warmly invite you to attend our Open Events:

International Women’s Day Event with Deana Puccio
Monday 10 March, 5.30pm

Prep Welcome Morning
Friday 14 March, 11.00am

Year 3 Discovery Afternoon
Friday 14 March, 1.30pm

For more options see ‘Open Events’ or to arrange a private tour,
please email