Years 1 and 2 went on a train to London to visit the Florence Nightingale Museum as part of their History topic. They saw many landmarks like Big Ben and…
We are still riding high on the success of ‘Our Eyes Met’, the show that we took to the Edinburgh Fringe. Ten of our pupils participated in this wonderful trip…
The Year 5 girls had a great time at their residential trip to PGL this year, where they spent a whole week participating in teamwork activities and challenging themselves in…
Year 4 had a fantastic time during their residential experience. They enjoyed learning about the history of St. Albans Cathedral, cooking like the Saxons did and spending some time in…
Years 1 and 2 have been learning about nocturnal animals this term, writing stories based on ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ and classifying animals by physical features,…
The Thames Explorer trip was very enjoyable. We did so many different experiments to do with the river. Our first impressions of the water were dirty and muddy; there were…