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On 5 October, the girls in Prep had a fantastic day in which they celebrated Maths. All year groups from Reception to Year 6 attended workshops focused on problem solving…

Prep Carol Service

The beautiful Prep Carol Service brought the spirit of Christmas to St Catherine’s on Tuesday with a wonderful range of music, reading and prayer. The harmonies and descants amazed our…

Key Stage 1 Nativity

During Advent, the Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 classes performed a beautiful production of the Nativity called “It’s a Baby!”. They performed once to their families and…

Sixth Form Retreat

One of the most valued events by the students at St Catherine’s is the annual retreat. For the Lower and Middle School, this is a day of team-building, spiritual reflection…

Cyber Security Development Day

Cyber security is a part of our daily lives – helping to keep music streaming, protecting online gaming, securing online banking and even helping to keep the power running in…

Bookbuzz Books – Year 7

Year 7 had a wonderful time in English when their Bookbuzz books arrived. The girls were delighted to receive their books, and spent time reading them, discussing them and sharing…

Football at St Catherine’s

After a long hiatus, Football at St Catherine’s is back with a bang. The KS3 A team took on Radnor House on 2 February. It was a gloriously clear day…

Drama – “Kurl Up and Dye”

On Thursday 10 February, we welcome: Sarah, Jo, Amanda and Michelle to the stage in our production of ‘Kurl Up and Dye’. In preparation for our first visit to the…

Year 6 – Thames Explorer Trip

The Thames Explorer trip was very enjoyable. We did so many different experiments to do with the river. Our first impressions of the water were dirty and muddy; there were…