The Friends of St Catherine’s School (FOSC) was formed in 1976 to fundraise and provide extra equipment for the school and its pupils and staff. We are very proud to have contributed in many ways to school life.

The development of the main hall was our first project and since then we have paid for many items such as games equipment, cameras, televisions, kitchen equipment, the school minibus, lockers, computers, laptops and interactive whiteboards for every classroom.

Current projects include the installation of a sound system in the Main Hall, and the refurbishment of the Prep and senior libraries.

We also organise and host a number of very enjoyable and popular social events and fundraisers during the year, including the extremely popular and lively Christmas Fair, regular quiz nights, and the much-loved Prep discos.


  • Volunteer to join FOSC – we are always looking for new recruits to become part of our fundraising team.
  • Become a Class Rep – this is an excellent way to get to know other parents, and this network of helpers is vital to our work.
  • Offer to help with a particular job which could be something you could do at home, an extra pair of hands at one of our events, or just a one-off contribution of your time and talent.

You will see members of our committee at most events so do please let us know if you would like to become involved – you would be most welcome to join our very friendly team.

The Headmistress and all the staff are incredibly proud of our Year 11 and Year 13 pupils on their amazing GCSE and A-Level achievements!

Please find out more about our Fantastic University Destinations and results on the relevant website pages.

GCSE Results and A Level Results