School Library

The Senior Library at St. Catherine’s School is a sanctuary for quiet study and homework. As well as providing resources for all year groups, it includes books, journals and monitored web-links.

Access to an online information database; ‘Questia ‘, is available to Sixth Form pupils. It also has a careers area where pupils can access university prospectuses and information on requirements for pursuing different careers. A qualified librarian is on hand to provide assistance as required.

Computers are available for use by students in school. The library catalogue can be searched from a computer in the library, online or from mobile phones (outside school).

Opening hours are 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Books and other items are normally loaned for a 2 week period, renewable at the librarian’s discretion. Classes may be held in the library, by prior arrangement. Between 4.00pm and 5.00pm every day the library is used for homework club for girls from Years 9 and 11.

The librarian offers a Carnegie Reading club each year and promotes participation in the annual National Short Story competition. Close links are maintained between the Prep and Senior Libraries.