Careers Fair

On 29 March, we were delighted to host our biennial Careers Fair, following the postponements caused by the pandemic. Girls from Years 9 to 13 enjoyed some wonderfully informative and inspiring talks from Mrs Sabah Carter, Prep parent and IT manager, Sgt Christopher Ward from the RAF and Kim Cappleman, careers advisor from EC Careers. The girls then had the chance to explore the various stalls in our main Hall, where we had representatives from many different careers, including publishing, TV, medicine, nursing, law, accountancy, management consultancy, careers at sea, the Royal Navy, the Metropolitan Police, photography, TfL, construction and surveying, and charities and fundraising.

The Hall was buzzing with the girls’ enthusiasm. Many thanks to our volunteer stand holders and speakers, including parents and alumnae, upon whose expertise and generosity the success of the fair rests.

Thank you also to Mr Warner, Ms Goldburn and Mrs Smith for organising this exciting event.

The Headmistress and all the staff are incredibly proud of our Year 11 and Year 13 pupils on their amazing GCSE and A-Level achievements!

Please find out more about our Fantastic University Destinations and results on the relevant website pages.

GCSE Results and A Level Results