St Catherine’s Week

During the last week of April, we held ‘St Catherine’s Week’, finishing with feast day celebrations on Friday, 29 April, in honour of St Catherine of Siena’s feast day. During the week, the students learnt more about their school Saint through Assembly, Drama lessons and a visit from our very special guests, the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph.

In sessions with the Prep School, Lower School and Year 9, the Sisters led the pupils in some time of prayer, some input on St Catherine of Siena and shared how they practice the same way of life as St Catherine once did. There was plenty of time for questions, which the girls had no problem filling! We had a wonderful time with our special guests and they loved spending time with the young women at St Catherine’s.

We ended the week with our traditional ‘Crunchie Mass’ where the pupils engaged in a celebratory Mass, celebrated by Fr Rod from St Mary’s University, and were given a Crunchie bar, as a feast day treat, upon leaving the Main Hall.

Another highlight of the week was every pupil and member of staff receiving a cupcake with a picture of St Catherine of Siena on the sugar paper, which went down a treat. It was a fantastic week of learning about our School’s Saint whilst enjoying many sweet treats and the exciting company of our visitors. We look forward to further celebrations next year.

We warmly invite you to attend our Open Events:

International Women’s Day Event with Deana Puccio
Monday 10 March, 5.30pm

Prep Welcome Morning
Friday 14 March, 11.00am

Year 3 Discovery Afternoon
Friday 14 March, 1.30pm

For more options see ‘Open Events’ or to arrange a private tour,
please email