Farewell and Adieu to Year 13

On Friday 6 May we bid farewell to Year 13 with their Leavers’ Formal. During the celebratory mass the roof of St James’ Church echoed to an array of St Catherine’s favourites including Here I am, Lord and Shine, Jesus, Shine and the assembled girls, parents and staff reflected on the amazing journey the assembled young women had been on together and prayed for their future successes. Once back at school, drinks and nibbles led into a delicious three course meal. Ms Goldburn and her team did a wonderful job at transforming our Dining Hall into a magical venue bedecked with lilies and fairy lights whilst Dean and his team served excellent food and the evening flew by.

The last two years have not always been kind to this cohort, but to see them all dressed in their finery and laughing as memories (or occasionally photos!) of the last seven years were shared around was an apt reminder of just how much resilience and spirit they have.

Our very best wishes go to all our Year 13 leavers for their exams and for their future studies

We warmly invite you to attend our Open Events:

International Women’s Day Event with Deana Puccio
Monday 10 March, 5.30pm

Prep Welcome Morning
Friday 14 March, 11.00am

Year 3 Discovery Afternoon
Friday 14 March, 1.30pm

For more options see ‘Open Events’ or to arrange a private tour,
please email admissions@stcatherineschool.co.uk