Key Stage 1 Nativity

During Advent, the Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 classes performed a beautiful production of the Nativity called “It’s a Baby!”. They performed once to their families and then again to the rest of the Prep School. There was singing, dancing, and excellent acting from all the girls. They so enjoyed bringing the Christmas story to life in this fun, musical performance and getting to wish all their family and friends a very “Merry Christmas”!
We warmly invite you to attend our Open Events:

International Women’s Day Event with Deana Puccio
Monday 10 March, 5.30pm

Prep Welcome Morning
Friday 14 March, 11.00am

Year 3 Discovery Afternoon
Friday 14 March, 1.30pm

For more options see ‘Open Events’ or to arrange a private tour,
please email