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The St Catherine’s Leavers’ Formal

Posted: 22nd May 2019

The time has come to say farewell to our Year 13 girls. This is always a bittersweet time – we will miss these fantastic girls but, at the same time, we are so proud to see them greeting their futures so eagerly. With the girls working so hard to meet the demands of their university offers at such prestigious universities and for courses including Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science and Law, the girls really did need some time out of their hectic study timetables last week.

The Year 13 girls finished early on Friday to go home and get ready for their special evening, while the Year 12 girls, who attended the evening as guests of Year 13, helped Ms Goldburn to decorate the school for the evening. We started with a special Mass at St James’, followed by a champagne reception. All of the girls’ teachers were invited
to this. After this, the girls and their parents were treated to a gorgeous three course meal with wine. Dressed in their finery, they mixed with parents, governors, tutors and SMT to enjoy a beautiful evening.

It was such a special night, and a truly fitting send-off to such a wonderful group of girls. All the best for your exams, girls – you have worked so hard and deserve to really excel!

Special thanks must go to Ms Goldburn for masterminding such a lovely celebration, Fr Ulick for giving such a heartfelt Mass and Mr Macklow-Smith, father of Ellie, for very kindly donating the champagne for the reception.

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